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Speeches by CEO

Photovoltaic industry is not only an emerging industry, but also a strategic industry shouldering energy transformation. Solargiga is honored to be a member of the photovoltaic industry. Looking back at the history of Chinese photovoltaic industry, it starts from scratch, undergoes ups and downs, both polysilicon and customers are from foreign countries at the beginning, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy from Europe and USA follow, Chinese market rises and 531 policy, it can be said that it has been full of challenges and opportunities. We witnessed, participated in, and accompanied with the development of Chinese photovoltaic industry and is growing up step by step. During this period, we, Solargiga people, keep working hard and making great efforts, but we can’t do without support of our customers, our shareholders, our suppliers, our government and our financial industry. We are here to say thank you to all friends who have helped and supported Solargiga! Sunshine always comes after wind and rain. We firmly believe that photovoltaic industry will have a bright future. We, Solargiga people, together with all photovoltaic workers, will make unremitting efforts for green hills and clean water, to realise beautiful Chinese dream, to the popularization of clean energy for all mankind.

Tan Xin

July 7th, 2019